Hello and welcome to the 2024-25 Season of Balmoral Little Athletics. We can’t wait to welcome new and returning families to a new season of little athletics. We offer little athletics to children from 5 to 17 years – for season 2024-25 this means children born in 2021 to 2008.
Before you jump in and register online (open from TBA August 2024), please take a moment to read the following important information and helpful tips to ensure a smooth, easy and fun start to little athletics at Balmoral. If you have any further questions, please see our FAQs for more information about how little athletics works at Balmoral.
When you register you will have two options. You can register for:
At Balmoral, we welcome children from 5 to 17 years. For the 2024-25 season this includes children born in 2021 to 2008.
If you’re registering your child for the first time you will need to supply your child’s proof of age, this will be either their birth certificate or passport. The registration of your child cannot be completed without sighting a proof of age for your child. You can supply this in two ways:
When you complete the online registration, the age group for your child will be automatically allocated according to their date of birth. For more information, see the official Little Athletics Queensland Registration Ages Table.
Please note, your child must participate in his/her appropriate age group as listed on the table regardless of their abilities or friendship groups.
Fees for the current season (excl. transaction fees & charges) are as follows, with payment made online via credit card or PayPal:
Full Registration:
Club Uniform for Fully Registered Athletes (more info below):
If you register for the Full Season, the final step of the registration process is to visit the clubhouse, during or after the initial sign-on nights, to collect your athlete’s registration pack and uniform. The registration pack comprises:
The club’s uniform shop is located at the Clubhouse where all items required for the season can be purchased on Tuesday or Wednesday evenings.
All fully registered athletes are required to wear the Balmoral Centre uniform items for Wednesday’s competition nights and when representing the centre at other local or regional little athletics events. No uniform is required for Tuesday’s training nights.
Following a change to the LAQ uniform policy, athletes now have the following options for tops and bottoms regardless of gender:
More information about LAQ Uniform Policy is available here.
At the uniform shop we also offer the following apparel:
For Wednesday’s competition nights it’s recommended athletes wear appropriate footwear, such as:
Type of spikes: The only spikes permitted on the long jump run-ups at Balmoral Little Athletics and the track at QSAC/SAF (Nathan) are the Christmas Tree and Pyramid shape (see image).
Once you complete the online registration, the next step is to attend one of the sign-on evenings at the Clubhouse to collect your athlete’s registration pack, uniform requirements and to answer any questions you may have. Then the new season of weekly training and competition kicks off in the first week of September.
The sign-on evenings are on:
You can still register for the new season after the sign-on period. Simply complete the online registration process and visit the clubhouse to collect the registration pack and any uniform requirements.
Season 2024-25 will run from 4 September to 12 March with breaks during school holidays. We kick off with:
At Balmoral we offer the full or modified version of the following events (depending on athlete age group):
To ease into the new season and allow for the large number of triallists, for the first three weeks of the season we run a three-event program. From week four, we continue to run the three-event program for the U6 to U8 age groups. For the U9 to U17 age groups, we move to four events, which generally comprises: two running, one throwing and one jump. Further into the season, we offer a fifth optional event, i.e. 1500m or walking.
Balmoral Little Athletics Centre is located in Carina, at 391 Stanley Road (cnr Creek rd), near the Carina Bowls Club and part of the Clem Jones sporting precinct. Parking is available along Stanley Rd, Carina Bowls Car Park and Clem Jones Centre. If parking in residential streets, please be mindful not to block access to driveways.